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Characters in Finding Destiny

Interview with Madam Moonfighter…

Tell us a little about yourself…

My name’s Madam Moonfighter, I am a gypsy and Faith’s grandmother. I have seen many things with my crystal ball. It shows me the way and helps me guide those who cross into my little camp. Helping others helps yourself I always think, people who come my way are looking for something, be it a new path, forgiveness, or to see the future and find what they are missing. If I have helped them achieve that, then I have achieved my calling.


Interview with Faith…


Tell us a little about yourself…

I’m Faith, I live in Quill City and have had the displeasure of Dragonstars curse over my head. At this very moment while writing this.. I’m walking through the deep woods searching for him. I shouldn’t be, but I have to be sure he’s not watching me.. After some strange things turned up in our museum this very week. Only this morning I was braiding my long hair listening to ‘I hope you dance’ A song that has stayed with me… Have you heard it?

Interview with Alex….


Tell us a little about yourself…

Alex is the name. I came to Quill City not quite by choice, but I’m glad I stayed. I’m surrounded by people I love and respect and all the things I’ve been through since being here has made me the man I am today. Some things just grow a person quickly…    


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